Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is a versatile game. In gaming world, it stands one of the topped rank games. The reason behind this game fame is its various mods. In these mods you will find several ways to play this game in high and low graphic cards PCs. These mods are easily available on different websites pages. You can also download it with one from my website page. Along with GTA SA, there are GTA Vice City, GTA four and GTA five mods also available.
Now let’s talk about this new mod of GTA SA. There are two characters in this mod, one is vulture man and second is mysterio man. Both have different powers and functional keys. Both functional keys are available in description. With all these there is drone flight as well in this mod. In this mod you can enjoy enemy mission by enabling this as described in description.
You can learn from option present on my page for “How to Download” this mod. A zip file will be downloaded, and you can easily extract files from it. Copy all files in game folder by right click game icon and replace files if bar appears. Your mod will be successfully installed, now you can use this mod by applying keys as described below.
Screen Shots
Menu Section for Character Abilities
- For activation and deactivation of menu press and hold Z and X key
- For movement of character use Up & Down keys or use W & S
- For selection press SPACE key and for canceling press ENTER Key
- For returning to playable character or spawn as enemy press T key
Functional Keys of Vulture
- For activating and deactivating engine of wing press “3 and 4” key
- For wings placement and displacement press 2 key
- For switching “Hover Mode” and “Follow Mode” press 2
- For attachment of wings “Follow Mode” should be activated
- Wings engine will be activated for detaching the wings
- During flight in the air use arrows or normal “W,A,S,D” keys for movement
- For speedy flight press and hold Space Bar key
Drone Keys
- For changing direction of drone press and hold “Right Click” of mouse
- To fly drone up and down use “R & Z” key
- For switching M4 mode use “0”key
- For explosion mode use “9” key
- To shoot at the aiming point press and hold “Left click” with weapon
- For hiding and appearing illusion suit uses “X” key
Enemy War Mission
- Activate “Spawn As Enemy” for this mission
- You can kill either Vulture or Mysterio by making health bar to zero
- After defeating any character, a reward of 50,000 dollars will be provided to you
- These enemies have fireproofed, explosion proof, and collision proof properties
- Mission will be failed if player goes far away
So here is mod specification is completed now. I hope you will easily install it and use it. Never shy to response positively about this mod. Don’t forget to subscribe my video and article page. Your review will matter a lot for me.